Sports New Zealand

Sports New Zealand

A new way of working

Sports New Zealand wanted to bring different sporting bodies together into one space to create a collaborative working space. This was to maximise shared knowledge and the vision of Sports New Zealand.

The challenge was to create flexible work areas that could grow and contract to suit each sporting code, while maintaining privacy & individuality. The space was kept as open as possible to allow maximum flexibility and all elements were aligned in terms of design, look and feel.

Acoustic screens were designed that could easily be moved and allowed a degree of transparency between spaces. These defined and supported each sporting body’s personal space while making the most of the open shared space.

Common spaces were created which included areas for private conversation and conversely spaces to “bump” into someone from another sporting code.

The workspace has allowed a variety of sporting bodies to use the space to suit their individual needs and make the most of the contact with other sporting codes.

  • Project size: 1300sqm

  • Normanby Road, Mt Eden